Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Skating: The Key to Effective Practices

How does your child spend his practices? There’s a good chance he runs drills, plays a few mock games, and does general stretching and exercise. And, while all of these things are good, there’s a real problem of coaches not focusing enough on skating and building skating skills.

Skating skills are so important. To begin with, if a player isn’t a strong skater, a lot of his attention is going to be focused just on staying standing, which means not all of his attention is on the game. You can’t have a strong, focused player if he’s not a strong skater, so realizing the importance of that skill and working on it is paramount.   

Coaches need to focus not just on the basics of skating either. Being a truly skilled skater, and thus a truly skilled player, is all in the details. That means coaches need to focus on technique and form, not just basics.

Surprisingly, though, these things can sometimes be taught best through the most basic and simplistic of drills. That and repetition. It’s not enough just for a coach to do a skating drill every once in a while; skating drills need to be done on a regular basis in order to have any real effect.

If you’ve noticed that your child’s coach doesn’t focus enough on skating, explain to him how important it is and maybe even suggest a few drills yourself if you have the knowledge. That might be hard to do, but really, if you want your child to become the strongest player possible, it’s necessary.

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