Friday, May 25, 2018

How Hockey Players Can Fight Fatigue

Many hockey players, of all ages, struggle with fatigue. It makes sense when you think about it. These athletes are pushing themselves and their bodies to the brink. Thus, it’s only natural that, from time to time, they find themselves feeling weak or losing endurance during a game. Fortunately, there are many effective and healthy ways in which hockey playerscan wage a war against fatigue.  

Constant Fatigue May Require Medical Attention

First things first, if a player is feeling constant fatigue- not just during games or strenuous practices but all the time- it’s wise to seek medical advice.

Constant fatigue can sometimes be a symptom of more serious medical conditions, so if the fatigue just doesn’t go away, no matter what, it is wise to stay on the safe side and see a doctor. Fatigue during games, though, is typically no big deal and can often be rectified by following one of these tips.

Get Adequate Rest

It may sound simple, but athletes are often tired just because they aren’t getting enough sleep at night. Sleep needs vary depending on age, how physical a person is during the day, and other factors.

Players should research how much sleep their bodies need per night and then make sure they’re getting at least the minimum amount.

Establishing an unwinding bedtime routine can help players of all ages to relax into fuller, deeper sleep each night, which will greatly help to fight fatigue.

Eat a Healthy, Adequate Diet

Another major reason that hockey athletes often find themselves feeling more fatigued than they should is because they’re not eating enough food and/or not eating the right foods.

Just as you can research how much sleep a particular person needs per night, you can also easily find out how many calories a person needs per day. Make sure athletes get the recommended calories for their age, height, weight, and activity level.

Furthermore, make sure these calories are coming from rich, filling, energizing sources, such as lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, healthy complex carbohydrates, and very few (if any) sugary foods or processed foods.

As you can see, there are many ways to win the war against fatigue. With some research and dedication to a healthy lifestyle, all athletes can feel better and more energized both on and off the ice.

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