Monday, June 22, 2015

Simple Tips for a Successful Saucer Pass

The saucer pass in hockey got its name because, when executed correctly, the puck spins and spins as it sails through the air, much like a flying saucer. This powerful pass has the benefit of surprising the opponent and landing at its intended location surprisingly accurately. However, it doesn’t tend to be all that easy for young players to do...until now. If you’re determined for your little athlete to complete a saucer pass, following a few simple tips may be all it takes.  

Keep it Low and Tight

The most effective saucer passes take place in very tight spaces and are executed very low. Tight spaces are ideal since the pass can be completed quickly and discreetly. Keeping it low is important since this pass requires the player to cup the puck and then do a quick but vital flick of the wrist to send it sailing. Execute this small action too high, and the puck becomes a dangerous and unpredictable object. Do it nice and low, however, and the puck’s movement can be highly planned and predictable.

Transfer Weight

The proper stance is absolutely vital for a successful saucer pass. Practice this pass again and again with your player. When you do, emphasize skating as little as possible since a lot of momentum isn’t needed for this pass and can actually be detrimental to it. Also encourage your player to quickly transfer his weight from the back foot to the front foot as the move is executed.

Start Right and Slice

Perhaps the easiest way to remember how to execute a saucer pass is to memorize the phrase “start right and slice.” Starting right means starting the puck right at the heel of the blade; this will ensure the nice spin and momentum of the pass. During the follow-through, the player should quickly slice the blade for best results.

The perfect saucer pass isn’t easy, and it does take some (okay, a lot) of practice to get it right. However, when these tips are followed, your player s already off to a great start!

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