Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Go For the Goal

Original NHL logo, used until 2005. A version ...
Original NHL logo, used until 2005. A version of the logo features it in the shape of a hockey puck. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Does your child dream of one day becoming a famous hockey star? While that’s a great dream to have and to nurture, it’s important to be realistic and to understand that, unfortunately, when it comes to actually reaching this goal and playing for the NHL, the chances of that actually happening are quite slim.

That’s not to say, of course, that you should discourage your little one from dreaming big. On the contrary, you should want your child to work hard to reach his goals. However, it is also smart to help your child set smaller, more realistic goals, goals that, once attained, will make him a better player and ultimately give him a better shot of one day making it big.

Product goals, which are focused on outcomes, are great goals to start with. Maybe your child wants to play in most games, to get promoted to team captain, or to become a first-line player. Whatever the result-oriented goal your child chooses, you can then work with him to set smaller, more easily attainable goals to work toward the big-picture goal.This will teach your child a wonderful lesson about goal setting, how it works, and how to slowly work his way toward a larger goal.

Kids also tend to do well with setting process goals, goals that are focused on their own performance. Maybe their goal is simply to never miss a practice or to engage in one extra practice session per week. Whatever the case may be, goals that get kids thinking about their own performance and the control that they have over it are wise ones.

Finally, don’t underestimate one of the simplest but most effective goals of all- the goal for kids to give it their all at each and every game and practice and to always do their best. It’s a basic goal, yes, but it’s also one that, if met, can go a long way toward helping a child to actually perform at his best consistently…and maybe even have a shot at the pros one day!

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